MS501 Journal Week 7
By: John Kidd Jr on 10/28/2024 02:22 AM
Weekly Journal - Week 7
General Notes
This week was final revisions to the pitch week. I received a large amount of feedback on my initial pitch and used the points that made the most sense to improve my pitch. This included adding some additional detail on how the branching stories work, using the tutorial characters as examples throughout the pitch and more. Updated version can be found here.
I also watched a YouTube video this week on branching storylines and how each person experiences the story in a linear fashion even when there are multiple ways for the game to play out. That video can be found here.
Progress Notes
I did not spend much time working on my design document this week. I spent a large amount of time reviewing and revising my script and considering different ways to implement a branching storyline in a way that wouldn't be as expensive.
What's happening next week?
Sleep (hopefully)!