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MS501 Journal Week 4

By: John Kidd Jr on 10/07/2024 01:54 AM

Weekly Journal - Week 4

General Notes

Over the last week I spent my time trying to make up for the time I was sick during week 3, working on the design document some more, and exploring Jira and it's alternatives.

Specifically I looked into Jira, which I'm still failing to get a confirmation email for (maybe some random spam filter that won't send to certain domains?), and the alternatives Plane and Taiga. Both are open source and have free versions available.

I also spent some time watching some YouTube videos to learn more about some features of Jira that I see but never use.

After that I spent some time shoring up my design document some more, specifically working on designing the level progression system and documenting it.

Progress Notes

Progress is moving forward on the Game Design Document, though there is still a very substantial amount that needs to be documented. I plan to focus on the sections that would be more useful during a presentation starting next week as there is no way I could possibly finish this entire document in time for a presentation.

What's happening next week?

As stated above in the progress notes, next week will be focusing on the sections that make sense to include in a presentation for the game. These sections include, the market research, core game mechanics, art style documentation, technical documentation on the tools and engine to use, the abstract, and the production plan.

Once completed, I can start spending some time building the presentation to be used for the pitch.

Links to the raw OneDrive folder with the documents in it will be shared on Canvas to avoid blasting this information all over the internet.

Video(s) I watched

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